陳敏彬 副教授

國立臺灣大學   博士

Email: cmb@cute.edu.tw

學術專長: 程式設計、電腦繪圖、電腦輔助設計


 Journal paper:

1.      W. B. Yang, M. B. Chen, A.Y. N. Yen(2011),“An Application of Digital Point Cloud to Historic Architecture in Digital Archives,” Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 42, Issue 9, pp.690-699, 2011. (SCI) (supported by NSC 96-2422-H-163-001 & NSC 97-2631-H-163-001)

2.      Hung-Ming Cheng, Ya-Ning Yen, Min-Bin Chen and Wun-Bin Yang(2010),”A processing for digitizing historical architecture,”Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS), vol.6436, pp.1-12, Nov. 2010. (EI)

3.      M. B. Chen, T.-R. Chuang and J.-J. Wu(2006) , “ A Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Scheme for Delaunay Triangulation ,” Concurrency & Computation: Practice and Experience , Vol.18, pp. 1595-1612, 2006. (SCI) (supported by NSC 91-2213-E-163-001)

4.      M. B. Chen, T.-R. Chuang and J.-J. Wu (2004), “Efficient Parallel Implementations of Near Delaunay Triangulation with High Performance Fortran,”  Concurrency & Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol.16, pp.1143-1159,2004.(SCI)

5.      M. B. Chen and S. C. Chang (1998), “The Construction of Improved Quality Mesh on Curved Surface by Using Mapping Factors,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol.21, No.5, pp.595-803. (SCI)

6.      S.C. Chang & M.B. Chen(1995), "A Hierarchical Method On Automatic 3-D Mesh Generation", Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N.T.U., No.65, pp.37-54.

7.      C.O. Chang and M.B. Chen(1993), “ On the Elastomer Damper for a Freely Precessing Dual-Spin Seeker,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol.16, No.1, pp.221-224.(SCI)

Conference paper:

1.      Min-Bin Chen, Ya-Ning Yen, Wun-Bin Yang and Hung-Ming Cheng (2011), ”Developing the software tools on 3DS Max for 3D modeling of heritage,” The 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2011), Bali, Indonesia, 2011.(EI)

2.      Min-Bin Chen(2011), “A parallel 3D Delaunay triangulation method,”  The 9th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(ISPA2011), IEEE CS Press, 2011.(EI)

3.      Min-Bin Chen, Ya-Ning Yen, Hung-Ming Cheng and Wun-Bin Yang(2011), “An Application of Reverse Engineering to the Digitization of Cultural Heritage Building,” 2011 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2011), Changchun, China, June, 2011.(EI)

4.      楊文斌、陳敏彬、鄭鴻銘(2010),”古蹟建築空間數位化整合架構”,第13 屆文化資產保存利用與保存科學國際研討會, 2010

5.      林泰宇、楊文斌、陳敏彬(2010),”古蹟數位化資訊於圖像管理之初探”,第13 屆文化資 產保存利用與保存科學國際研討會, 2010

6.      Wun-Bin Yang, Min-Bin Chen, Ya-Ning Yen and Hung-Ming Cheng(2010),“An integrated 3D laser scanning technique for the digitization of historic buildings,”2010 16th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia(VSMM 2010), Seoul, Korea, 2010.(EI)

7.      M. B. Chen(2010),“The Merge Phase of Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Scheme for 3D Delaunay Triangulation,”The 8th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(ISPA2010), IEEE CS Press, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.(EI)

8.      M. B. Chen(2009), “A Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm of 3D Delaunay Triangulation,”2009 African Conference on Computational Mechanics , Sun City, South Africa, 2009.

9.      陳敏彬(2008), "以圖層式技術開發Java手機遊戲",第十九屆物件導向技術及應用研討會,台灣, 虎尾, 2008.

10.   楊文斌,陳敏彬,閻亞寧(2008),"數位點雲於古蹟建築之數位典藏應用",第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台灣, 南投, 2008.

11.   楊文斌,鄭鴻銘,游政憲,陳敏彬,陳昶良,閻亞寧(2007),"數位化技術於文化資產保存之程序初探", 數位典藏品質管理研討會,台灣,台北, 2007.

12.   M. B. Chen(2007), "A Parallel 3D Delaunay Mesh Generation Method Based on Affected Zone," 2007 International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, China, Beijing, 2007.

13.   M. B. Chen(2006), "Implementation of an affected-zone based parallel Delaunay triangulation method," 5th Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation Symposium, U.S.A. Los Angeles, 2006.

14.   M. B. Chen, T.-R. Chuang and J.-J. Wu (2002), “A Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Scheme for Delaunay Triangulation ,” Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems(ICPADS), December.

15.   M. B. Chen, T.-R. Chuang and J.-J. Wu (2001), “Parallel 2D Delaunay Triangulation in High-Performance Fortran ,” SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, March.

16.   M. B. Chen, T. R. Chuang and J. J. Wu (2001), “Parallel 2D Delaunay Triangulation in HPF and MPI,” International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium(IPDPS), L.A., USA.

17.   M. B. Chen, T. R. Chuang and J. J. Wu (1999), “Experience in Parallelizing Mesh Generation Code with High Performance Fortran,” 9th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, San Antonio, Texa, USA.

18.   M.B. Chen & S.C. Chang(1994), "The Application of Computer-Aided-Design to Solid Mechanics", Proceedings of 18th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Hsinchu.

Technical report:

M.B. Chen(1997) “The development of hierarchical computer graphics library,” NCHC Tech. Report, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C..